You can always find a lot of people wishing to emigrate to Italy among our compatriots . This warm and hospitable country has always attracted the eyes of the whole world. Modern Italy is a developed European state with a good education system and high social standards, especially in protecting women and children.
The laws of the country are very loyal to those who decide to leave for Italy forever. Here it is absolutely possible to find a job, get an education or confirm your diploma, buy real estate at preferential prices. In this country, there is a shortage of unskilled workers, so labor migration to Italy is one of the most active.
Italian immigration law is considered one of the simplest and most understandable in Europe. It is much easier to move here for permanent residence than to any of the EU countries. The main ways to immigrate to Italy are:
- obtaining refugee status;
- marriage;
- moving for family reasons (family reunification);
- getting a job under an employment contract;
- business immigration.
An interesting way is immigration at the “chosen place of residence” (Residenza elettiva), when a wealthy foreigner with a stable passive income acquires real estate and lives in the country without the right to work. The main thing is that the source of income should be of legal origin (rent, copyright, pension).
Obtaining refugee status in Italy
In accordance with international law, Italy grants political asylum to those foreigners who are persecuted in their home country. It is quite difficult to obtain refugee status and immigrate to Italy in this way. You will need to collect and provide specific evidence of persecution and the inability to return to your home country. All information will be checked very carefully.
All issues related to obtaining refugee status are regulated by the Italian Constitution, Decree No. 251 of 2007, the laws “On Aliens” and “On the Regulation of Immigration”, the Geneva and Dublin Conventions, the New York Protocol on Refugee Status. You need to request this status right at the border by contacting the police or immigration service.
Those who pass the test are issued a residence permit for 2 years with the possibility of extension. Persons who are temporarily unable to return to their homeland for humanitarian reasons are issued a residence permit for 1 year. Those who decide to emigrate to Italy in refugee status are provided with financial assistance in the amount of 17.5 euros per day for 90 days. Up to 4 times within 6 years, you can receive targeted assistance in the amount of 2066 euros. Refugees are entitled to free medical care, education and work. After 5 years, you can apply for citizenship.
Marriage to an Italian citizen
One of the easiest and most popular ways to go to Italy is immigration through marriage with a citizen or resident of this country. You can immediately get a five-year residence permit, and after 2 years – apply for citizenship.
You can become an Italian citizen if the following conditions are met:
- a foreigner must be officially married to an Italian citizen and have a residence permit for at least 2 years;
- if the spouses live outside the country, then this period is increased to 3 years;
- the terms can be halved if the spouses have their own or adopted children;
- at the time of registration of citizenship, the couple must live together.
Since 2011, the condition of confirming legal residence for marriage has been abolished. You just need to get permission to register and show your passport. The fact of marriage is considered a strong argument that allows you to immigrate to Italy without any problems . But if the immigration service finds out that it is fictitious, problems will certainly appear, up to expulsion from the country for violating the laws.
Reunion with relatives
Through family reunification, you can go to Italy if close relatives live there: husband, wife, children, parents, siblings, grandfathers, grandmothers, grandchildren. Moreover, not only a citizen of Italy, but also a foreigner who has a residence permit for at least one year can call his relatives. Permission to stay in Italy under the status of family reunification gives the right to work, study, free medicine and employment through the labor exchange.
Temporary residence status for family reasons (family reunification) is issued on the basis of the Immigration Act 1998. A relative must have a legal status, own or rented real estate and a stable income not less than the total amount of annual social benefits (5350 euros).
For one person who wants to immigrate to Italy , he must be 2 times higher than the indicated figure, for two – three times, etc. pole to this is added 2675 euros per person. This is to ensure that migration to Italy does not result in new residents claiming government benefits.
A request for legal residence status is submitted to the Police Department (Questura) of the place of residence in Italy. A denial or positive response must be received within 180 days of submission. If someone who wants to emigrate to Italy lives abroad, then you need to submit an application to the visa section of the Consulate. After arrival, you must apply to the Prefecture within 8 days and obtain a residence permit.
Work in Italy and the prospects of staying in the country
In order to somehow limit labor migration to Italy , the country annually determines quotas for hiring employees from abroad. The number of jobs and the list of specialties is determined in accordance with the current Decree “On Work Flows”. If there is a good specialty that is in demand in the country, then you can confirm your diploma, find a job and immigrate to Italy quite quickly.
The situation is more complicated with unskilled workers. Now for such popular professions as workers and builders, there are many applicants both in Italy itself and in the European Union. In order to be able to go to Italy for temporary, seasonal or permanent work, it will be necessary for the employer to prove the need for a foreign worker.
Seasonal workers receive a residence permit for 6 months, a short-term contract gives the right to a one-year residence permit, under an indefinite contract, a residence permit is issued for 2 years with the right to extend if there is confirmation from the employer that he needs the services of this foreign specialist further.
The basis for obtaining the status is an employment contract in which the employer guarantees housing, food, medical care and social protection. If there is a desire to emigrate to Italy , then having found a job, after 5 years you can get permanent residence, and after another 2 years you can apply for citizenship.
Business immigration to Italy
Business immigration is a great way to immigrate to Italy and get a lot of opportunities and freedoms for European citizens. This method involves opening your own business or buying an Italian company operating in the country. When obtaining a residence permit, the usefulness of the chosen type of activity will be taken into account. There are no requirements for minimum income and business profitability in Italy. The main thing is not to break the laws and pay taxes on time.
To leave for Italy and stay there, you will need to meet several conditions for business immigration:
- Availability of sufficient funds of legal origin to conduct business. The amount could be ten. and one hundred thousand, it depends on the profile of activity and the characteristics of the region. It does not need to be deposited anywhere, just show on a personal account.
- Competence and experience in the field.
- Place to stay in Italy.
- No convictions.
- No ban on this type of activity in Italy.
- Absence of diseases dangerous for society.
Italian laws ensure that migration to Italy does not destroy family unity. A foreign businessman can transport his wife / husband, children, parents who are dependent on him. There are no restrictions on age, profession, education, and knowledge of the Italian language is also not required.