World Emigrant

Visa to Denmark

In order not only to enter Denmark, but also to have a legal opportunity to stay in it for a long time, citizens of countries outside the European Union need to obtain a visa . Denmark is a member of the Schengen Agreement and a Schengen visa is valid on its territory. If the conditions for issuing Danish visas differ from the Schengen rules, then you need to apply for a national visa.

There are several categories of citizens of foreign powers for which a visa to Denmark is not required:

  • residents of all Scandinavian countries can freely enter the country and work without obtaining a work permit;
  • citizens of EU countries can stay in Denmark for up to 3 months, and if work or study requires a longer period, then the time of stay is extended;
  • third-country nationals who have good reasons to be in Denmark (refugees, students, long-term contract workers, members of reuniting families).

For short-term trips for the purpose of visiting relatives or friends, solving current business issues, tourism, a Schengen visa is issued with a permitted stay in Denmark of 90 days within 6 months. For a longer stay, a national visa document is issued.

You can apply for a visa at the Embassy of Denmark or at one of the visa centers. The standard package of documents must be handed over in person, it is also necessary to pass an interview. The duration of registration depends on the type of visa and the package of necessary documents. The Embassy can send information for verification to the Immigration Service and then the processing time will increase from 8-10 days to 2-3 months.

Work or labor visa to Denmark

It is possible to obtain a visa for employment in Denmark only if there are no specialists in the local labor market and in the EU to perform the proposed work. The employer must issue a document on the need for a foreign employee in the sectoral ministry and the trade union organization.

A work permit is issued for a year with the possibility of extension, and the total period should not exceed the duration of the employment contract. For senior managers, scientists, teachers, it is possible to obtain a permit for 3 years with its extension up to 4 years. For such categories of employees, it is allowed to travel to Denmark with their family.

Since 2002, visa processing has been possible in an expedited manner if the host company is in dire need of a foreign specialist of a certain profession. Such professions are united in the Positive List, which is adjusted annually. The main feature of Denmark in terms of employment is that only high-class professionals in specialties that are in short supply for the country receive work visas.

When considering documents for a visa , the immigration authorities pay special attention to the level of education and qualifications of the applicant, the degree of proficiency in Danish, the availability of financial opportunities in the amount necessary for living and paying taxes. It should be noted that tax rates in Denmark are quite high, but Danish salaries allow them to be paid completely painlessly.

Student visa to Denmark

The education system in Denmark is completely controlled by the state, which guarantees a very high educational level of Danish diplomas. Therefore, a large number of young people aspire to study at universities, higher vocational schools and colleges in this country.

In order to go to study in Denmark, you need to get a long-term national visa , not a Schengen one, which will allow you to stay in the country for the entire period of study. Such a visa does not imply a work permit, but the student receives a residence permit and very good job prospects after completing the educational program.

You can apply for a visa only after receiving an invitation from a Danish educational institution, which confirms the fact of enrollment in training. If you need to pay for your studies yourself, then the visa department will need to provide guarantees of the financial viability of either the student himself or his parents, or the person sponsoring the studies.

Applying for a student visa is a lengthy process and requires a large number of documents. You need to be very careful about the deadlines for submitting information and ensuring that all documents for a visa are collected. If you do not provide all the necessary data on time, then the application will simply remain without consideration.

Business visa to Denmark

A business visa is issued in cases where a visit to Denmark has a business purpose, as well as to participate in various events: meetings, conferences, seminars, contracts and partnerships. In order to obtain a visa , you need an invitation from a Danish company or business partner. This invitation must reflect the dates and purposes of the trip, as well as guarantees of financial security and accommodation.

If the duration of the business trip is more than 14 days, then in addition to the invitation and information about the partner, you will need to provide a detailed program for your stay in Denmark. In the event that the inviting Danish side does not assume financial responsibility, then the documents for the visa will need to include bank statements, a copy of the credit card showing the movement on the accounts for the previous 3 months.

Short-term business trips require a visa for the Schengen area with the right to multiple entries for 90 days in six months. It entitles you to visit all Schengen countries, but the time spent in Denmark must be longer than in any other country. If you plan to stay in Denmark for less than, for example, in Germany, then the place of entry should be another country, for which you need to apply for a visa.

Tourist visa to Denmark

Citizens of many countries dream of coming to Denmark and getting to know its history and culture. This country with amazing nature and architecture also attracts with its calm, measured way of life, which today is a rarity in the modern world. To obtain a visa for a tourist trip to Denmark, you will need to comply with some conditions that the country puts forward for its guests.

A tourist visa is one of the most common documents for visiting a country. Applying for a visa of this category is much simpler compared to others, and requires a minimum number of documents. To apply for a visa you need:

  • that the tour is organized through a travel agency that cooperates with operators in the Nordic region and is accredited by the Danish Immigration Service;
  • the travel agency itself must be accredited by the Danish Embassy and have a special permit from the Immigration Service of this country;
  • if documents for a visa are issued independently, then they are not considered on the spot, but are sent to Denmark for the verdict of the Immigration Service.

The tour package must necessarily include hotel reservations and round-trip travel documents.

Documents for a visa to Denmark

All required documents for a visa to Denmark are similar to visa documents for other EU countries. A very important condition of the Embassy of this country is the provision of all copies and translations. Standard package includes:

  • a visa application form written in clear letters in English;
  • current color matte photograph (3.5 x 4.5 cm);
  • a passport valid for at least another 3 months after the visit and issued no earlier than ten years ago;
  • copies of passport pages with personal data;
  • certificate + copy from the place of work indicating the length of service, position and salary, as well as addresses and telephone numbers of the company;
  • the original + a copy of the invitation on the letterhead of the company with the seal and logo, as well as the data of the person in charge;
  • Receipt of hotel reservation and round-trip tickets;
  • medical insurance, which is valid throughout the entire Schengen area and is able to cover all expenses that will be associated with the provision of medical care and an emergency return to their homeland.

The embassy may request additional information, which will take time to process. Therefore, you should apply for a visa in advance, and buy tickets after a positive response. Forms of documents and requirements are constantly updated, so it is better to get the latest information directly on the website of the Embassy of Denmark.

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