Agency “World of Emigration”
We are glad to welcome you on the official website of the emigration agency “World of Emigration”!

Our agency offers professional services for citizens of the former USSR (CIS) on emigration, quick exit to England and the countries of the Schengen Union: (Holland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Finland, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, France, Austria) with further obtaining permanent residence, and obtaining citizenship of the European Union.
The World of Emigration Agency is one of the largest immigration legal agencies, with a staff of 400 lawyers and consultants, with a developed network of offices in Canada, the UK, Russia and Ukraine, as well as representative offices in many countries of the world.
We are respected for our professionalism and expertise in immigration and human rights law. All our lawyers are recognized as leaders in their field of expertise and this distinguishes our agency from others.
We do not seek to flaunt our regalia and invent merits. We bring to your attention only the facts about the agency “World of Emigration”.
OTB, the program “Pro Zakon” in 2008 and NTV, the program NTVshniki – “It’s time to bring down” in 2010 With our help, more than 1000 people left the CIS countries alone (including Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan).
- We always tell only the truth, telling fairy tales is not our style of work.
- We are invited by the media for advice on immigration (TV channels NTV, OTB, ATN, TNT).
- The cost of our services is optimal in terms of “price – quality”. Prices are lower than those of competitors, with the proper quality of services.
- We practice an individual approach to each client, we do not have ready-made solutions and template emigration cases.
- We guarantee the confidentiality of information received from the client in the course of work. You are insured against unpleasant surprises.
Interview with the Delovaya Stolitsa newspaper, issue No. 44 (546) dated October 30, 2011 The experience of our agency in the field of emigration is more than 6 years. Turning to us, you entrust your fate to professionals.
- We offer a unique program of its kind to travel abroad – through obtaining refugee status. This way of emigration is real – we prove it with our work!
We build relationships with customers on trust, sincerity and friendliness! We are always glad to see you!
We will provide you with the following services:
- Preparing a professional immigration case
- Consultations on the departure program and the nuances of emigration to each specific country
- Assistance in adaptation upon arrival abroad
- Legal support of the client throughout the entire process of emigration, until obtaining permanent residence
- Possible services for the employment of the client abroad after leaving for permanent residence